Przemek is a Senior Data Analyst at Allegro.pl. From the very beginning of his professional career he has been using data to support business decisions. Delivered custom-made BI systems for various industries and developed EPM systems for one of the internet global players – the Naspers Group.
Over a year ago he decided to be closer to e-commerce product: as a Senior Data Analyst he is now focusing on making use of big data to enhance the customer experience for the CEE e-commerce leader – Allegro.pl.
Przemek always tries to understand the deeper context and favours delivering the understanding and recommendations instead of just bare results. In his free time, he loves to travel by bike.
How not to drown in the ocean of qualitative and quantitative data?
30 min Case study | Category: Raising the game (Inspiring stories, case studies, etc) | Target Audience: Professionals. UX researchers, designers, product managers from big organizations – having to do with big data.
As we were about to launch the new layout of Allegro, the 6th largest e-commerce platform in Europe, we faced a problem: the performance of the new layout was not as good as we expected. And we needed to know why.
So we launched the big exploratory research project, which included it all: big data, A/B testing and good old customer feedback.
Let us take you through the research we performed and methods we used to gradually enhance our product – up to the level where both qualitative and quantitative metrics satisfied us.
We will tell you how to collect data, work with different types of it and integrate it into actionable findings that can make your product better.
Three key takeaways
- How we worked with different types of data and what we learned from it.
- How we integrated takeaways from big data analysis and qualitative research to get better, reliable results.
- How we transformed research results into changes in product.